Places to Explore – Leashed and Unleashed.
In Boulder County, Colorado, we have 145 miles of trails of which 90% are open to dogs, giving you and your best friend lots of opportunities to explore. In some areas, your dog must be leashed, in others are your dog is allowed off-leash completely, or off-leash if they are wearing a voice and sight tag and are under voice and sight control.
DOG PARKS in Boulder Country
- Boulder Dog Park
- Foothills Community Dog Park
- Valmont Dog Park
- Louisville Community Park Dog Park
- The Great Bark Dog Park (Lafayette)
In these parks your dog can run free, unleashed. However, leash laws still apply as you approach and leave the park. Aggressive dogs are prohibited in all dog parks. And remember to be respectful to other patrons and their dogs, keeping an eye on your dog at all times to make sure he’s not overwhelming anyone else, and picking up his/her poop. All Boulder County dog parks are free and open to the public from dawn to dusk!
As the weather gets warmer, and your dog is a swimmer you may be interested in finding a place to take them. And there are plenty of places, some allow for full-blown swimming and others do not.
Places that allow dogs, but they must be on-leash (so your dog can swim as far as your leash can reach) are:
Other great places to swim, that allow your dog to be off-leash, are:
- West Twin Lakes Trail
- Coot Lake (dogs are allowed to swim on the east and south shores only)
- Boulder Reservoir (dogs are prohibited between May 15 – Labor Day)
We have so many fantastic trails to choose from here in Boulder County. Here are just a few fantastic trails for you and your dog to discover:
Your dog is allowed to be off-leash on the vast majority of their trails IF they have a voice and sight tag.
- You’ll need to attend a one hour class
- Boulder Resident’s need to have a Boulder Dog License
- Non-Boulder Resident’s need proof of current rabies vaccination
- Pay a fee ($13 City of Boulder residents, $33 Boulder County, but not City, residents, $75 Non-Boulder County Residents
- Fee includes one guardian, one dog. $5 for each additional guardian, $10 for each additional dog
- Voice and Sight Tag Program privileges must be renewed annually and must complete an online refresher course at least every 5 years.
When you’re training voice and sight control with your dog, you can practice at one of Boulder County’s dog parks until you feel confident that your dog is well trained. Once you’ve received your voice and sight tag, your dog must wear his tag on all city trails that allow voice and sight control. You must also carry a leash for each dog you’re with. If you or your dog(s) are not following these rules, or he is not within your sight and under voice control, chases other dogs, wildlife or livestock, you can be face a minimum fine of $100.
To register for Boulder’s Voice and Sight Tag Program, click here.
Remember your manners and PICK UP POOP
Open Space and Mountain Parks have partnered with Envirowagg Doggone Good Compost on the coolest program. Did you know that the average dog produces an average of 275 pounds of waste per year?! Now, compostable bags and waste receptacles are located at many popular trailheads and access points such as Dry Creek Trailhead, South Mesa Trailhead, and Marshall Messa Trailhead. Envirowagg then composts the waste into soil for beautiful plants in Colorado.
If you’re hiking at an area that doesn’t have this awesome program yet, make sure to use 100% plastic-free bags like Earth Rated or Bio Bag’s
compostable dog waste bags. or look for Struttin Pup’s very own bio-degradable poop bags at local dog parks!
Sign up, to get Struttin Pup’s list of favorite parks, healthcare practitioners, dog walkers and more!